February 28, 2017

Moira: Time away

Not much sewing this past week because I was away for most of it at Quilt Con with Susan.   Did get the remaining two F2F blocks made on Sunday to finish out that swap.  

My biggest thing tho of the week wasn't what I got made during the week - but what I bought at Quilt Con.   And that would be a new sewing machine.  =)  I am now the owner of an Elna eXcellance 780, bought the model they were using as a demo at the show for a great price.  And am now waiting on it it to arrive here (they were shipping it to me).  =)  (And yes, that's me sitting down in the pic next to my new machine.)


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Such pretty blocks!
You look pretty happy there with the new sewing machine, hope it arrives soon.

Cyra said...

Oh wow, a lovely new machine..... may you have very many happy years together creating love and happiness for all the recipients of the great creation to come from it. xx