January 31, 2017

Cyra ~ A walk in the Park

Last Thursday was a beautiful sunny day when Tony & I had a trip to Hawera to take a leisurely stroll through the park.

It's a beautiful place, full of very well kept gardens, a great kiddies park area, duck ponds, Chinese garden, rose gardens, and lovely nooks, shady areas, and secret gardens. 
It always looks amazing there, and you never know what surprises you'll find as you follow winding paths or peep around the hedgerows.
Whoever created this space did an excellent job of keeping people and children entertained.


I have designed a hexagon quilt for a long-term project.

It is going to be humongous (for a super-king sized bed) and will probably take 5 years or more to stitch because I'm using ¾" hexagons --- oh what was I thinking, mad, totally mad, hand stitched English Paper Piecing, oh dear.

Here it is so far, the humble beginnings...

I did not get any photos of my latest crochet block for my blanket, but I did do some stitching on my 'A Year of Stitches' project. I'm not managing to do stitching every day on it, but hey, I'm only human.


Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

My hexagon Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt was regular sized hexies and for a full size took me like 25 years to hand piece, and I wasn't paper piecing. Thankfully I ran across Debra's blog and she traded quilting it for fabric or it might still not be done.

The one my mom & grandmother made of the same size took them about 16 years including the quilting...inside each & every hexie.

You have a great start and it looks like it will probably be a stunner.

Cyra said...

25 years..... omg what have I started here. I wish I'd started this when I was younger, lol. I may have to revise my plan in about five years as I don't want this to take any longer than that, just in case my fingers and/or hands get in strife with it.
I suppose I could always stop when it gets to lap-quilt size haha.

Moira said...

Love the colors you've started with on the hexie project! I can't imagine working with 3/4" ones tho...lol.