January 24, 2017

Cyra ~ afghan blocks

Two 6" blocks finished for my BAMCAL blanket.

And that is all I can show you of my stitching week!
Other 'things' are being made but I still can't show those at the moment.

I've been doing a fair bit of gardening this week, and here is a lovely bunch of roses trying to peer in my lounge window. 

I'm so glad I took this photo before the heavy rain and strong winds arrived here because  these poor flowers do not look like this any more.


Anonymous said...

Those roses are perfection. I really like the beautiful shades of color. The crochet blocks look great. I can't decide which pattern I like best, so I will say both. =)

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Your crochet pieces are wonderful and those roses are gorgeous. We had bugs eat ours last summer, hopefully this year will be better.

Moira said...

The roses are wonderful, I'll be they smelled fabulous. The crochet blocks look great.