April 2, 2012

TAST: Week 14- Apr 2- Satin Stitch

The TAST Stitch for the Week of April 2 is the Satin Stitch.
For more information and examples, check here on Sharon B's blog.

Satin stich variety 1

Photo courtesy of Pin Tangle


Debra Dixon said...

I knew Satin Stitch was going to show up pretty soon. Not a favorite but I'll do what I can!

Suztats said...

I do like the look and feel of satin stitch....takes some time to do, though.....

Deborah M. said...

My first thought: oh no. Not my fav either but I'll give it my best shot.

Anonymous said...

I thought that was what I did before on the March block. I wonder what that was for?

Debra Dixon said...

What are you talking about, Susan?

Debra Dixon said...

OK, I went back to your block and looked--you did a satin for a straight stitch motif.
It's probably splitting hairs--I think we did have a little discussion about that difference.

Is that what you mean?

Anonymous said...

Oh, right, but that's still okay, because I did straight stitch on the February block. Thank you for helping me sort that out. Little hug for you.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

So many possibilities with this one. Hmmm, maybe a tree? I actually did use the satin stitch on the cardinal (or is that different than a short and long stitch?) for my March block and on my peacock feather for January. Just got home from the Ozarks and have lots of other things to catch up on as well, so not feeling too compelled to overdo. I'll see how it goes. I will at least do a tree.

Debra Dixon said...

I'm going out on a limb here and saying the long & short stitch is either another stitch or a variation of the satin stitch. But, as far as TAST is concerned, I wouldn't hesitate to count it as my weekly stitch (esp. with other commitments looming).