April 29, 2012


Sorry this is late, but I have a house guest, so, there's very little time on the computer.
I had fun with this stitch.
Here's my TAST Sampler:

You can read more about it here:

I've almost caught up on my Chikan Embroidery, and will post a pic next week of my progress.

My CQJP is not yet finished........but maybe I'll have pics in a few days.

Have a good weekend.

Hugs from Suz


Debra Dixon said...

Some interesting samples!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Nice flower designs!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Your wheatear samples are very well done. Enjoy your guests. Look forward to seeing your block and Chikan when you finish with them.

Judy S. said...

Fun! I too love the shapes you've created. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Carol-Ann said...

Lovely ways with Wheatear.

Cyra said...

Lovely samples of wheatear variations Suz. I particularly like the star effects you got with it. Hope you have a good time with your guests, and look forward to seeing your cqjp block when you get time to do it.

jenclair said...

I like the stars, too. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

You did a lot of exploration with that stitch! Enjoy your company.

Suztats said...

Thanks everyone. I had a great time with my guest and now I'm looking forward to more stitching!