April 21, 2012

Susan: CQJP and TAST update

My best friend is visiting, so not a lot done, but I did manage to do this one motif from the site that Mary Frances sent. Loved that site. This is only part of the motif, but I thought it was just enough for this spot.

All Sassa Lynne variegated threads.


Carol-Ann said...

A lovely motif. Is it just me or does the lace look like an owl!!

Suztats said...

I thought that, too, Carol! Love the Sassa Lynne threads. Your motif is perfect in that spot. Nicely done!

Judy S. said...

Me, too! Cute owl was the first thought that popped into my head,too. Your stitching is lovely as always, Susan. Can't wait for an overall view.....

jenclair said...

Owl, here, too! I love Sassa Lynne threads and your embroidery does them justice!

Debra Dixon said...

You have such thoughtful restraint--very elegant. I could use a few lessons.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

So very pretty, and I thought it was an owl too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the idea! It does look like an owl. Somewhere, I can take just that much of the lace and make it into an owl. =)

Jane said...

I'll have to check out that site as I love this motif and if that's where it came from, must be some cute things there. I have to try some of that Sassa thread. As always,I love seeing your work. Enjoy yourself and your visit!
PS... I see it, lol

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Very pretty motif and the thread looks really nice. I need to try out more threads. For the record, I thought it was an owl too.

Peacock said...

Ditto the owl! Too cute!! It's because of the adorable black seed-bead "eyes" that it looks so convincing!
I like the way your Sassa thread works with the motif! Very pretty.

Cyra said...

Love that thread, and your French Knots are the perfect addition there too. It is a very dainty motif.
Just for the record - yes, I thought it was an owl too.
Hope your had a great time with your friend Susan, and had plenty of catch-up time together.

Barbara C said...

Very pretty and cheerful!