April 28, 2012

Judy ~ Wheatear Stitch and Sue

This was an interesting stitch to use on my almost finished block. First, I tried it out on my sampler, mostly to see whether I could make the same kind of square shown on Sharon's blog. I wanted to try to use the stitch to fill in the sleeve but then decided that would take forever, so I went a different direction.
Sue's hat and sleeves are where the wheatear finally landed. I also had fun fiddling around with the gate. The pattern calls for bluebirds, but I decided to add a robin. Can you see what it's carrying? Four blocks finished, yay! Check my blog to see what else I've been doing......


jenclair said...

Had to enlarge the pic to really see the dainty sleeves, but the wheatear looks great there!

Debra Dixon said...

Pretty little scene and the vine on the fence is perfect!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Very nice wheatear addition and I see you added a path to ground the gate...Very Nice!

Carol-Ann said...

Wonderfully neat stitching around Sue's hat and love the garden path and vine.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Very nice finishing touches. The little wheatear stitches on the sleeve are adorable and it really works great on the hat. The vine is devine

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the way you used the wheatear, both places. The whole block is lovely and your solution for the gate is just perfect.

NancyD said...

I love your Sun Bonnet Sue. Using the Wheat Ear stitch around the hat looks excellent and so evenly stitched, and I can just visualize the picket fence with some wonderful flowers peaking up over the top. Our Robins are also here as are the hummingbirds!.

Barbara C said...

Your blocks has so many nice details. Beautiful finish.

Peacock said...

I love the garden path and the vine! Your stitching really makes your SBSs something special. I love the robin! He's adorable!! I haven't decided whether he's carrying a worm for lunch or a stick for his nest. Either way it's perfect!

Judy S. said...

Worm, it is!

Cyra said...

The wheatear stitch looks great as an edge trim on the hat.
Love what you have done with the gate.

Suztats said...

SBS is adorable! The wheatear stitch on her hat suggests a woven straw hat, perfect for working in the garden and tending the vine climbing around the fence posts. Hmm, is it a morning glory vine?