April 22, 2012

Debra-TAST: French Knots

I worked alot this week on my block & made some serious progress.  But, I'm only going to show you what pertains to this week's TAST lesson!  (Yea, I'm mean like that!)

I was thoroughly embarassed by my stem stitch example of last week so worked a few new ones.  My problem was that I didn't have the slant down right.  These are much better.  I also worked a tied herringbone section that reminds me of smocking which is a good thing since this is a sewing themed book.  Lots of french knots and I did a filled spider wheel but like the whipped wheel better.

That's my story and I'm stitching to it!


Carol-Ann said...

Your smocking is delightful and would Grace even SS's pretty dresses. Love the wheels. What is that black and white ribbon doing poking out of the corner? We could have a little guessing game, it's been that sort of a week. We want more, we want more...

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

You have some wonderful stitching going on in this corner. The smocked look is super as are the wheels. Your french knots fit in nicely as well.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I like how your flower buttons tie right in!

Debra Dixon said...

Those flower buttons were on the yoke of a little girl's thrifted sweater. The whole yoke was covered with them and it was on the 50¢ table (because of a stained front). I used quite a few on last month's block too. They are really so sweet.

Debra Dixon said...

I feel like I have redeemed myself!

Debra Dixon said...

You will have to wait!!

Suztats said...

I like this corner, Debra: a grid geometric touch with the mock smocking, added to those wonderful circles, and then the free flowing french knots. Lots of lovely movement and contrasts.

Anonymous said...

Like the flowers, buttons and stitched - creative use of the French knots! The smocking look is really great!

Debra Dixon said...

Thanks, it's a joyful little spot!

Debra Dixon said...

I had no intention of stitching smocking when I started but when I was done, that is exactly how it looked. Nice surprise.

Cyra said...

Oh you are such a meany Debra. Teasing us with this snippet of your block. But, after saying that, there is still plenty of eye-candy to enjoy on this little bit.
What sort of fabric is that behind your 'smocking'? It looks a bit like wool to me, or maybe it's just the effect I see from a macro camera shot. I like all the little speckly bits in it anyway, and love the effect of your mock smocking. You've just reminded me that I have a smocking gathering machine in my container storage out by the barn. It hasn't seen the light of day for a few years. I must give it an airing when I find a spare moment.
Your stem stitch circles look good here, as does the light sprinkling of French Knots.

Debra Dixon said...

Everything here is cotton. Yes, afterwards, I thought, "I could've just smocked that for real!" but this will do. It is not that serious of a project. I do remember when smocked dresses on little girls were quite the rage.

Judy S. said...

Love the way you knotted down your buttons and then sprinkled the white french knot around them. Also love the "smocking"! How'd you line it up so perfectly? Oh, and the wheels are fun, too. Looks to me like you had a very creative week!

Debra Dixon said...

I drew 3 lines with a water soluble marker and just stitched the herringbones to the lines.

jenclair said...

Your flowers look as if they are scattered across a meadow!

Barbara C said...

This looks so nice. I like the way the buttons blend in with the sewn motifs.

Debra Dixon said...

Thanks, I am pleased I am using those buttons so soon after buying them! *wink*

Peacock said...

I wish I had a smocking gathering machine!! I absolutely adore doing hand-smocking and the way you can get a semi-elastic gather from it! When I was a teen, I made myself a dirndl skirt with a wide smocked waistband and an embroidered hem. I did all the gathering for the smocking by hand. Boy was that a pain! Still, well worth the effort. I wish I still had that skirt!

Peacock said...

Heh! Yah, most of the time my new finds sit around my house and "age" before they get put on any sort of project. Congrats on getting yours put so soon onto your projects!!

Peacock said...

I love the button-and-French-knot "meadow", and I love the nice, even, geometric chain stitch and herringbone band. I find the juxtaposition of the two (linear and circular) elements very appealing, and I love the way that one of the floral buttons overlaps the chain stitch line. Affixing the buttons with french knots was clever-- that never seems to work for me: whenever I try, the buttons just slip right off the knots. aRgh! And I agree that your stem stitch outlines in this shot are worked at a very lovely angle! I look forward to seeing the rest of the block!

Jane said...

Love what you got accomplished.. the "smocking" stitches are sooo even! It's always good to use what we buy before it gets dusty. Seems like your doing good with that and moving things out with projects. And yes, you are being a tease with this reveal, lol

Debra Dixon said...

I made a very serious commitment this would be the year I use what I have on my projects. It's not doing anyone any good in the drawer.

Debra Dixon said...

Since most of the stuff I drag home is vintage, I don't think it's "fair" to make it wait even longer for its 15 minutes of fame!!

Debra Dixon said...

I sew my buttons on first with thread. It takes away the worry of the french knot having to hold the button in place.