April 22, 2012

Cy - TAST & CQJP March

I have managed to get quite a bit of stitching time to myself this week.
Here are my latest TAST stitches that are on my CQJP block.

Stem Stitch
Nine rows of stem stitch in two colours.
The black thread is two strands of cotton floss,
and the green thread is something silky that I found in my stash (oddment with no label)

French Knot
Five rows of French Knots in graduating colours from lilac through purple to blue.
Detached Daisy's for edging.


I am rather late getting my March CQJP block done but here is the progress on it so far.

The Naked Block
I made this block last Monday in my quilt colour scheme of black, white and anything in between.

Detail 1
My TAST French Knots & Detached Daisy's on left.
Braided Chain on right (to be added to at a later date.
Buttonhole and Cross Stitch above on the ribbon.

Detail 2
Seam treatments being developed here. Lots more stitching needed, and then the beads.

Detail 3
I was having a bit of Whipping fun with this seam treatment.
You can just see on the left, in green, part of a detached buttonhole row.

Detail 4
The black semi-circles on the left are in Stem Stitch with Detached Chains and Ribbon Petal Stitch in them, and Seed Stitch done in DMC metallic silver thread.
On the bottom right is a new seam combination growing.

This week I have been experimenting with new combinations for the seam treatments as I have been feeling a bit restricted and deprived with the TAST stitches and I'm longing for something a bit more challenging.
This coming week I shall add beads and hopefully finish this block as I need to start on my April block to catch up, but as I've managed to do all the above stitching in one week, I think I might be able to catch up soon. With both of my boys back at Uni again after the Easter break, and my older son gone back to his own house, I should have more daytime for myself.
It has been great having them around, but sometimes I would like to just sit and stitch without having to make (yet another) pot of tea or put the dinner on (why do they never stop eating and yet remain a healthy weight?).

I need to create another butterfly for that centre fabric patch, probably in stumpwork again as I like how the last one turned out. And I will crochet a piece for a specific area when I decide which area needs a bit of traditional lacework.

So, how am I doing so far? Is there anything else that you can think of that would enhance my blocks? What would you like to see on these? 
As I said earlier, I'm looking for more challenge on this and I'm 'open' to all ideas.

Happy Stitching


Debra Dixon said...

I understand your frustration with TAST. I am at that point too. Let's get moving with something more challenging!

I will say, though, the personal challenges you have given yourself with the seam treatments are very lovely and finely done.

Carol-Ann said...

Have been trying to chose one seam treatment to mention specifically, but they are all so delectable! The French knots and detached chain remind me of an expensive braid, back and green stem stitch is very smart and black semi circles with the silk ribbon are quite special. Everything is perfect.

Suztats said...

Wowzers! All that lovely stitching in one week? It's beautifully done, and I'm still loving your colours.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I especially like the ribbon embroidery in the half circles. Well done on all of it.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I'm with Suz in awe of all you have accomplished in one week. I'm with you in craving stitch time without interruption when I have been deprived for awhile. You have some really unique treatments on your block. My fav is the french knot, but they are all really interesting combinations. I would just say keep doing what you are doing because it is working really well!

Judy S. said...

All your seams are really pretty, Cy, but the ribbon embroidery is my favorite. Did you do the tiny gold stitches around the daisy-like petals? Also like your french knots. Looks great, all of it!

NancyD said...

Cy, I so enjoyed your blocks and got so many ideas for my own seam treatments from you. I loved the idea of stacking the French Knots and changing the color per row. Then the stitches that look tied together were interesting with the varigated thread but my favorite is the half circles with the ribbon flower. Do you have other tiny stitching between the flower and the outer circle it was difficult to tell from the pictures, but something was sparkling there. I know what you mean about using different stitches, I just seem to get in a rut with my stem stitch, straight stitch, French Knots and chain stitch. Your blocks are wonderful.

jenclair said...

I'm so envious of your ability to experiment with seam treatments. Using the black and white canvas to show off the the colors in your embroidery is so cool!

Debra Dixon said...

Nancy, make a list of your seam treatments you already know (there were alot from Stitch 12) and don't let yourself use an "old" stitch until you have used one off your list first.

Barbara C said...

You get a lot of impact from your stacked stitches combination, and I also love that gradated blue thread. Very nice work.

NancyD said...

After I wrote my note above that is exactly what I decided do to. Go back through the stitches I know and add them to this block in some new combination. I have been making notes in a book I started of favorite combinations so I'm going to check out my previous notes and stiches. What a novel idea!!

Debra Dixon said...

There you go!

Peacock said...

My favorites are the whipped stitches (look like rows of wheat sheaves) and the row of French knots in gradating colors. Your colored stitching looks so nice against the black-grey-white backdrop!

Jane said...

I can't seem to pick which of them I like best, all of it wonderful. And what patience to do all of those Knots in a row like that. I see the effect of seed stitches to make the half wheels seem like they're shining? Love that effect.
Had to laugh with you on how boys can eat non stop and maintain weight, if only! Enjoy your re-entry to your me time.

CarolynnS said...

Cy, I would never have thought that blacks and grays could be so luscious! Are there shades of blues in those blacks? Is that what creates the smooth melding of the stitching to the background fabrics? Such a wonderful combination!
Nancy and Debra--good idea on the stitch dictionary and list! I need to try that!

Anonymous said...

My favorite seams are the 9 rows of stem stitch, and the one with the silk ribbon and seed stitch. I love the way the stem stitch band comes down from that one ribbon treatment, too. All of the seams are very creative, and I agree with you about needing something a little more challenging than just the TAST. I don't want to do any weird stuff, however, and don't think any of yours is weird. =) Something with little seed bead trails, perhaps? I can see some silvery and blue tiny beads in meandering paths above the stitching I just mentioned, in that gray area that is still clear.

Cyra said...

Lol Susan, I don't mind if you want to call my stuff weird, go right ahead. I know I do have some pretty weird ideas at times, and that's what happens when I get in a creative mood <3
Yes there is a hint of blue in the butterfies fabric and on the fabric with the small teardrop shapes.
Thank you for the idea of the silver & blue beads in meandering paths. I might use that idea in another area as I have, just today, already stitched the TAST wheatear stitch along that grey fabric seam.

Cyra said...

Yes Carolynn there is a hint of blue in the butterfies fabric and on the fabric with the small teardrop shapes.

When building my seam combinations I just start with a stitch that I want to do and then look at it and wait for the next step to hit me. I look at my previous projects and books for ideas.

Cyra said...

Sorry, the hint of blue comment was for Carolynn above.