April 22, 2012

Carol - French Knots

Knot very inspiring French knots, but feel they sit along my "animal" seam quite well and have been sewn over a few strands of scrim.

Feel able to say that this really got the leaf treatment and hope I haven't gone over the top, but we are having a silly week!  

Sarah is certainly enjoying her African adventure.


Debra Dixon said...

LOVE the leaf treatment! Great positioning & detailed stitching of the dragonfly too!

And I am especially pleased to see that threaded running stitch down the middle of your trim!

Carol-Ann said...

I wondered whether you'd notce!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Such a pretty take on a french knot seam, looks perfect like it came right from Africa, maybe some tribeswoman's beaded necklace lost among the weeds.

Debra Dixon said...

Not much escapes me!

Carol-Ann said...

Knot even when you have a poorly ee.

Carol-Ann said...

Do you think my buffalo may be found there also as I've presently lost him!

Debra Dixon said...

My eye has healed by leaps and bounds. Nothing that expensive medicine can't fix. *wink*

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I like how you've used the french knot and the way it flows right to/from the equally nicely done leaf. Such an adventure!

Suztats said...

Love the leaf treatment! It should be overgrown and lush if it's in the tropics, right? You have such delicate looking seam treatments that contrast nicely with the leaf section, and the french knots are nice and airy. I love the dragonfly.

Carol-Ann said...

I had a scrap of fabric with only a partial dragonfly, so don't look too closely!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your French knots on the scrim! They look like flowers on some kind of jungle vine. The leafy beads you added to last week's work is also very appropriate and looks wonderful.

Cyra said...

Oh my! Sarah is certainly having a great adventure in Africa looking for your buffalo.
Very effective French Knots seam, and who would have thought that scrim could be used like that. Very nice.
I like the way the leaf beads area gradually gets smaller beads towards the outside, and they echo the beads that were there from last week.
Neat idea to 'hide' the part of the dragonfly like that. It's like he's just flying out of the window.

Judy S. said...

Love your Africa block, Carol. The leaf is wonderful and adds to the jungley (is there such a word?) effect. Very cool the way part of the dragonfly wing is hidden. Fabulous stitching! I can't wait for an over-all shot. That Sarah of yours is just having too much fun; where's she headed next?

Barbara C said...

I love the movement you put in the scrim + French knot combination. Your block has so many visual treats.

Peacock said...

A perfect positioning for your partial dragonfly! abutting his amputated wing against the seamline makes it appear that he's over one layer and under another. It adds depth to the block. I'd assumed it was fully intentional, not that he started out with half-a-wing! :)

Peacock said...

Your bead cluster is wonderful, especially the way the seed beads trail away from the larger center beads! And your french knots over scrim is just delightful! You say it's "Knot very inspiring" but I disagree! It's very inspiring and very effective. I love the curve of the line, the size and spacing of the knots, the tangled feel of the scrim-- all of it! It reminds me of cotton on the boll for some reason, or some other sort of cotton-ball-y type flower or seedpod.

Jane said...

This is definately my knind of crazy quilting!!! Love the flow , the texture, the theme and your ability to use bits and pieces. That dragon fly found a super place coming out from underneath the seam. Beautiful, Carol!