March 10, 2012

Suz-Tutorial- The Net Stitch

 The Net Stitch Tutorial

We begin with an outline stitch, which is also called a stem stitch. (I think mine is upside down here, but it doesn't really matter since we are just creating a base row.)
 Each new stitch begins about half-way along and beneath the prior stitch. The thread tail is kept above the stitch.
 Once the desired width of the net has been reached, take the needle and thread to the back of the material and tie off as you normally do. Then, begin a new thread on the left side just outside and below the first outline stitch.
We create the netting with the blanket stitch. The tail thread should lie to the right, and the needle should be brought above the base row, and down into the area between the end of the first outline stitch and the beginning of the second.

Pull the needle through and over the thread tail, tightening the thread to make a loop of the desired size.

Keeping the thread tail to the right, create the next stitch by bringing the needle down through the 'overlap' between the end of the second outline stitch and the beginning of the third, making sure the needle travels over the tail thread as before.
 Continue in this manner until the end of the base row is reached.
Option 1 is to pull the needle through to the back of the material to bind off, beginning a new row on the left as before. Benefit: the net is anchored at the start of each row, and shorter thread lengths can be used.

Option 2 is to work back along the first row of loops to create the second row.
To proceed, the thread tail will be turned to the left, and the needle brought upwards through the loop of the last stitch made, pulled through and flipped over to run underneath the tail thread. Benefit: the netting is one piece and free-flowing, stretchy, and  has placement options.

The second and following net stitches are worked in the same manner as the first: the thread tail turned towards the left, the needle moving up through the loop in the previous row, flipped over, and carried back down under the tail thread, repeating until the row is complete. 
To maintain the full width, the last stitch of the second row should be done as follows: once the thread has been joined to the last loop in the previous row, do a buttonhole stitch through the u on the side as shown in the pic.
The third row is created in a similar manner: with the tail thread to the right, the needle is now brought up and through the loop of the previous row, then over and back down and under the tail thread.
 Repeat for as many full rows as desired.

Beads can be strung onto the thread, if desired, for a different look.

Alternately, one can join in the middle of the u of the previous row, although, to me, this does not create as uniform a shape.

When you decide to decrease the width of the following rows, skip the stitch in the u on the sides, and continue only using the loops to stitch through.

Once the last loop is used, there are two options to finishing the net.
Option 1 is to take the needle and thread through to the back of the material and bind off as desired. This will anchor the net.
Option 2 is to bind off and knot onto and through the last loop, and leaving a thread tail, if desired. This way the net is free-floating, and you can position and anchor it as desired later, once your other elements have been added.
I hope this tutorial is clear. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, or if you find any errors.
Thank you.


Debra Dixon said...

Sweet! Thanks a bunch!

Peacock said...

Nice tut! This is a slightly different method of making net stitch than I have ever used or seen before. Very cool. In all the tutes that I can recall seeing before, the new stitch was made in the part of the previous row that runs parallel to the original line of stitching instead of in the little loopy part that runs at right angles to the original line of stitching. This is cool! Making the new stitch in the little loopy part creates a totally different look! I will have to try playing around with this. thanks!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Suz you are the best! Thanks for the tutorial. I'm going to have to live a long time to fit all my (WMTs)'wanna make that' projects in.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I've seen something like this, a variation of it, but had no idea how it was accomplished. I could definitely see doing that on a mermaid scene sometime!

Debra Dixon said...


Suztats said...

Me, too!

Suztats said...

I think it would be perfect for an underwater/mermaid scene!

Suztats said...

Well, you never know, Peacock, I may have misunderstood the directions in the book when I tried to make my first one. Anyway, this method works for me, and I like the way it looks.
Thanks for the neat comment!

jenclair said...

Thanks, Suz! I'm going to use this on my next encrusted piece!

Carol-Ann said...

Thanks so much for net tutorial - looking forward to having a go.

Debra Dixon said...

I don't remember if you have the space on your Jan block but this would be good with at least one of your nautical pages-even if you did just a little bit.

Iris said...

Nice tutorial Suz. I left a comment for you in stitching fingers embroidery group.I tried to do this netting on my pebble project but
mine (like this one you did for this tutorial) is very thin. I'd like a more rustic effect.Thanks for this tutorial!!

Suztats said...

You're most welcome! It's quite fun to do, I think. Debra, that's a great idea!

Suztats said...

Thanks Iris. I've used thicker threads and even yarns in making the nets for a heavier look. That might work better for you. I've even mixed two and three threads together for more weight and colour variation.

Suztats said...

That's great! I'll look forward to seeing it!

Anonymous said...

So, I'm working on a detached buttonhole - how is this different? It looks similar? I'm thinking maybe it differs on how the stitches loop?

Suztats said...

According to my Embroidery Stitch Bible a blanket stitch is an alternate name for the buttonhole stitch when the stitches are more widely spaced. So the stitch is the same, it's just the distance between the stitches that matters.
Thanks for asking that, because I didn't realize it.

Barbara C said...

Oh, that's lovely. Thanks for posting the tutorial.