March 31, 2012

Suz-TAST, WIP, CQJP, and Work Space

Here's my TAST for this week. You can read more about it here
Hope you've had a great week.

I've finished lesson 4 of my Chikan Embroidery, and I like how it looks.
There's not too much more to do......

I tried to match the shading on the left side to the right, but it didn't quite work out as planned... ;-)

Here's how it looks sitting in the window with the light from behind.
You can easily notice the areas that were stitched with more strands of floss.
 Sorry about the blur, but I thought I would post my naked April block here since I hope to begin stitching on it this weekend.
Now here are the 'after' pictures of the sunroom. I've organized a lot of my stuff and put it into labelled boxes in the cupboards and on the shelving.

pink boxes, blue, yellow-green and black are all filled with TAST, CQJP blocks, and stash!! what stash?
beads, baubles, jewelery bits, thread, floss, material, tatting, embroidery, ribbon, fibers, perle thread, tatting thread, sewing thread, trims, needles, felt, and more....! ( I need more room heheheh)
and then there's my painting supplies.....
Here's where I'll be sitting some times to do my stitching.
Lots of windows to let in the light, and warm breezes (hurry up spring!) in the daytime, and plenty of lighting for the evening.
The boom box speakers are piled with CD's, and the view out the windows is beautiful. Blue sky and trees are all one can see while sitting to stitch. It's like being in my own tree house.

I hope to do some stitching this weekend, so, picture me here. ;-D

May you have fun stitching this weekend, too!

Hugs from Suz


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Love the treehouse concept. It looks like a heavenly place to sit and stitch. Nice organizing. Great job on the CQ, TAST and Chikan. Enjoy your weekend.

Suztats said...

Thanks Connie. You, too!

Judy S. said...

Love the way your whipped wheels turned out! That Chikan embroidery is very interesting, and your stitching place looks like a wonderful place to work. Happy stitching!

Debra Dixon said...

Everything is just too darn neat! Get in there and make a mess, willya?

Such pretty chikan and thanks for showing the Apr block. I like 'before' and 'after' shots of blocks. Your sun looks like the hot Houston sun in the summer!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

If only my stash looked that neat and tidy......
Love the whipped wheel sun, very cheerful!

Anonymous said...

I love your sunroom! If I lived close by, I'd be angling for an invitation to share that space for an afternoon! Your tast is a great use of that stitch. The chikan embroidery is absolutely beautiful! You are really good at that!

jenclair said...

Such a perfect spot to stitch and still appreciate the beauty of the outside! Great job on the organizing.

Barbara C said...

Your whipped wheel composition is so cheerful. I think I'm going to make flowers too when I finally get around to that stitch.

Enjoy your tranquil stitching place. It looks lovely.

Suztats said...

If you lived close by, we'd be having stitching parties!

Suztats said...

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments! I plan to spend the afternoon stitching in the sunroom. Wish you could join me.......

Suztats said...

I have to keep it neat and tidy since we plan to put the house on the market this spring. I do pull out boxes regularly, and things get strewn about........but then I have to pack it all away......

Cyra said...

That's some cheerful looking whipped wheel flowers pointing their heads towards the sun. I like the concept.
Your sunroom/treehouse space looks tranquil. Chikan is so neat and I love yours. It amazes me how you can get two different looks to it depending on the light coming from behind or not.
You have a great naked block for April. Love that red velvet (I think it's velvet, but it could be shiny satin/silk).

Carol-Ann said...

Love your whipped wheel flowers and it's good to see next months block before stitching. Your Chikan embroidery looks like two different pieces of work, quite beautiful.

Suztats said...

You're right, Cy, it is velvet. Most of the fabrics I used are cotton, but I received a small order of Christmas fabrics, and some may be making an appearance.;-)
The beauty of the Chikan embroidery when it's done on a more sheer fabric is that the patterns shine through better. I wanted to show that, so I propped it in the window.......effective, I think.

Suztats said...

Thanks Carol, I had fun with the whipped wheels....

Peacock said...

Your studio is amazing, Suz! I wish I had a place so bright and cheerful! (Hard to do in Seattle with the cloud cover all the time making things muted and grey.)
I love your TAST exploration! The sun is so bright and cheerful and the flowers so expressively happy!
Your Chikan work is just lovely. I love seeing the comparisons of front lighting vs back lighting.

Suztats said...

Thanks Peacock! It is nice and bright on sunny days, and is perfect for stitching or painting with all the natural light. I'm glad you could see the flowers as happy--I was thinking of that when I stitched, and I'll continue to show the comparisons of the Chikan embroidery while the class lasts. I'll miss it once we're finished.