March 10, 2012

Suz- TAST & Pebble Finished

Here's my TAST sampler for week 10:
Once I started on this week's stitch, I had a lot of fun!

My pebble #2 is finished!
 It's bigger than I'd first thought it would be, but I'm quite happy with the result.
You can see more pics  on my blog
Now I can move forward with the Chikan Embroidery class.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you.


Peacock said...

I especially love the multi colored running stitches overlapping in different directions!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

These pebbles are just superb and they are definitely on my to do list along with prayer flags!
And the running stitch circle makes it look like you had a great time working on it!

Debra Dixon said...

Lovin' the Leaf!

and the Pebble is really awesome! Really.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Love how you have used multiple color combos on your stitches. It makes them look more detailed. The pebble is stunning. I see one of those projects in my future too.

Anonymous said...

You're sampler is amazing and wonderful! Every bit of it is appealing. The pebble is such an interesting technique to watch develop from week to week.

Suztats said...

I had a bit of trouble with that, keeping my stitches on the right angle, but it worked out in the end, and I'm pleased with it. I thought of adding a fourth direction, but I decided it might cover too much of the other rows beneath.

Suztats said...

I did, Lady H. Just remember those pebbles are've been warned. ;-D

Suztats said...

Thanks Debra. I really like how the leaf turned out, too.

Suztats said...

Thanks Connie. You'll enjoy the pebble adventure.

Suztats said...

Thanks so much! I've been having fun.

jenclair said...

I thought I'd commented on your pebble here, but I guess that was on your blog! Good ideas on the running stitch, and the pebble is gorgeous (as I mentioned before)! :)

Carol-Ann said...

Pebble is awesome and I love the tiny "pebble" poking through the bottom. "Running Leaf" is great.

Suztats said...

Thanks for all the wonderful, supportive comments everybody! I appreciate them.

Barbara C said...

I love your running stitch leaf, and your pebble is just beautiful.