March 11, 2012

Susan: CQJP and TAST

Here's what I did for the straight stitch:

I had plans for a lot of other things. I spent the week getting a new roof, instead. Picture on my blog if you want to see my house. Someday, I'll show my stitching mess on the sofa where I sit.

And here's another seam started - it will get beads on the very light green short straight stitch (it's in the middle of the V-shape, and hard to see) and possibly an embellisher on the longer straight stitch, not sure it will be a lazy daisy, though. From Carole Samples' book, p. 103, bottom left.

Click to enlarge.


Peacock said...

Lovely straight stitch-- beautiful the way the varigated thread turned out!

Debra Dixon said...

I like that straight zig zag!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Looks like rick rack, but better and in fun colors.

Suztats said...

It caught my eye, too. The thread colours just pop against the soft green. Very nice.

Susan said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks, everyone! I may embellish the areas in the V later. It will depend on how the block develops.

jenclair said...

The zig zag does look like rick rack, and as Connie mentions, is more fun!

Barbara C said...

Two nice bits of stitching. I like your plans for the embellishment.