March 24, 2012

Debra: TAST- Barred Chain Stitch

I worked my Barred Chain Stitch as part of a seam treatment over a sheer ribbon.  The ribbon's edge has a heavy black section and I decided that would be a good spot to showcase this week's stitch.

I did the Barred Chain (Alternating) along both edges, then 2 rows of herringbone -one each along the inside edge and finished with a black and white flower ribbon down the middle.  Great looking treatment & easy to do!  I used an orange variegated perle cotton for the barred chain stitch & 4 strands of DMC floss for the herringbone stitch.

You can also see a better view of last week's Whipped Wheels.  It finally came to me--they look like those God's Eyes you see in tourist souvenir shops.  I'm eager to start the button cluster around those whipped wheels.  But, I'll wait until the embroidery is done.

Comments are welcome!


Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Your Barred (and Alternating) Chain stitch shows up wonderfully on this ribbon along with the Herringbon stitch. Your wheels do show up better and will be perfect mixed in a button cluster.

Deborah M. said...

Neat! I love the black and white flowers, too. I enjoyed the whipped wheels very much. The texture they add is wonderful.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

Your layering of stitches is wonderful, I wish I had done this whole thing before I did the encrusted cq.

Debra Dixon said...

You can do it again next year. I'll do it with you.

Debra Dixon said...

I don't think of myself as someone who has a lot of black and white supplies but I was pretty surprised when I started pulling them specifically for this project. Those little flowers showed up. I like them too!

Debra Dixon said...

Thanks, Connie! This turned into a really nice treatment. It's going into my Seam Treatment Stash!

Judy S. said...

Very nice! What thread were you using? It shows the "barbs" perfectly! I'm anxious to see your whole block!

Debra Dixon said...

perle cotton--love the stuff!

Carol-Ann said...

Really great seam treatment, bring on the button cluster!

Debra Dixon said...

Do you see what I was telling you-- how I like to cover the seam with a ribbon so I have a nice smooth surface for the treatment? Also, the ribbon affords me a determined layout I can follow.

I doubt I will but if I wanted to, I could also come off the ribbon's edge with some stitch into the block.

Carol-Ann said...

See exactly what you mean, a perfect example, thanks.

Suztats said...

Fantastic seam treatment, Debra, and one I'm sure to borrow....;-)

Debra Dixon said...

Please, be my guest! That's the reason I wanted to start labeling the posts when seam treatments and motifs showed up that we liked, we could find them again.

Cyra said...

Ooh love the orange flavour here. That black ribbon treatment is gorgeous. I've still to try the barred-chain stitch, but I'm sure I will get around to it after seeing your variations. Well done.

Debra Dixon said...

Thanks! So nice to have you back.

Anonymous said...

That looks so good on the black of the ribbon, especially combined with the herringbone stitching. I really look forward to seeing the whole block together next weekend!

Debra Dixon said...

Listen to you! Oh, no pressure.

jenclair said...

I think the perle cotton is the best choice for this stitch, and your stitches against the black are outstanding.

Debra Dixon said...

Thank you, Jen! I like perle cotton for just about everything and have to remind myself to use the floss. I wish the perle cotton came in as many colors as the floss.

Carol-Ann said...

Just returned from a Stitching for Pleasure expo - perle in many beautiful shades and weights, especially liked a range by Finca - perle 8, 12 and 16 (very very fine)

Barbara C said...

Very nice layering of your stitches. I love how you pull off this color combination.

Debra Dixon said...

When I was gathering supplies for the stash box, I came across a little kit of halloween beads I'd bought ages ago on clearance. Just for grins I might add a few tiny skull beads in my button cluster!