March 18, 2012

Carol - TAST-Whipped Wheels

Whipped wheels in perle 8 and 12 together with beads - "Canadian Rockies" takes on a whole new meaning!  I'd like to say they are a gift from Suz to Sarah!
Further efforts on my facing page.

No seam treatments this week, but I have finished the bottom right hand corner and constructed a few more blocks
Oh, and flowers in my meadow


Debra Dixon said...

You are very good at the contemporary abstract style of embroidery. Knocked it out of the park with your Canadian Rockies! And the purple is moving around the block quite nicely. I'd say this is going to be a really interesting block-not to mention your blanket stitch is superb.

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Wow, great job on this weeks stitch! Your block is looking wonderful.

Anonymous said...

They look great piled in that corner like that. I love the other treatment of the corner, too.

Judy S. said...

Very nice! I can't wait to see a shot of the whole block! Love the lace and the inclusion of what looks like a grommet in your whipped wheel. You really captured the Colorado spirit with this one!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

I think you get the gold star for creative use of whipped wheels! They are just excellent and this block is a beauty.

Deborah M. said...

I can't add anything except my admiration. I can't wait for the whole block, too! Lovely!

jenclair said...

Wow! What wonderful examples to steal--uh, borrow!

Carol-Ann said...

The "grommet" was from a collection of beads. I just had to search for a bead with a largish hole.

Carol-Ann said...

Feel free to help yourself.

Carol-Ann said...

I did have guidance from the boss lady!

Barbara C said...

Very nice whipped wheel composition. I also like that folded ribbon with buttons.

Suztats said...

I like the effect of the whipped wheels with the beads for the snow capped mountains! The orange button trail caught my eye too, and the meadow flowers look so delicate and pretty.

NancyD said...

Oh, your whipped wheels are wonderful. I love the ones piled in the corner and the one over the grommet or open ring. Your work is so beautiful and your creativity always dazzles me.