March 25, 2012

Carol - Barred Chain Stitch

I laid down shaded silk ribbon depicting mountains (poetic licence here please) and defined them with barred chain using a fine perle. Whipped trees were then added and a little more of my dyed scrim, together with a bead cluster. Had to have a maple leaf, which is cut from a scrap of batik and enhanced by 2 leaf sequins. My train image has been rejigged with ribbon/braid and blanket stitched using perle 8 and, of course, a puff of smoke.

Debra said that not every stitch can be a star, but for me this stitch will certainly be part of the supporting cast.




Debra Dixon said...

LOVE the train! Maple leaves look super!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

That ribbon and the stitching really does make it look like mountains. My favorite is the smoke!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Did someone say "tree"!?! Great block. The smoke is such a fun touch and I love the ribbon used for mountain peaks. You are doing such a nice job with the feel of this theme.

Judy S. said...

Great job on one of my favorite places....met DH in Colorado a long time ago!;) What a fun theme!

Suztats said...

I love the trim around the train and the barred chain you've used there. It adds a feeling of movement because it's not a solid line. The smoke is fantastic! The maple leaves are a favourite. This is a very nice block.

Cyra said...

I am a steam train fanatic (who'd have guessed?) so naturally I adore this block Carol.
Love the button cluster as well as the lovely stitch varieties. I like the effect you have with the smoke flowing into the next fabric patch.

Barbara C said...

Very clever use of the stitch! I like the way you picked up that peach color in the "mountains."

CarolynnS said...

Everything about this block is just luscious! Colors, stitches, ribbons, all the little creative touches! Love it!


jenclair said...

I love the leaves. Beautiful block!

Peacock said...

I love the smoke on your train! I think the ombre ribbon makes a great suggestion of mountains, and I just adore the little rust-colored whipped-wheel flowers! I really like the way you've forked their top-ends. :)

Carol-Ann said...

Thanks Tahlia, but the flowers are really trees!