March 18, 2012

Angela: TAST Whipped Wheel

Here's my whipped wheels.  A little hard to see I know but black was the only fuzzy thing I had.
On March 13, 1887 Chester Greenwood from Farmington, Maine patented his invention of the earmuffs!   I had a pair of white rabbit fur earmuffs when I was a kid and they do keep your ears toasty.
The wheels were pretty fun to do.  The black yarn is a very thin black mohair and the other is pearl cotton.  I used regular cotton floss for the words.
I think later I may add some more whipped wheels in white floss as snowflakes.


Debra Dixon said...

Oh, how clever! I think the snowflakes will really help explain the picture.

My first guess was stereo earphones since they are usually black.


Carol-Ann said...

Great earmuffs, an unusual and amazing take on whipped wheels.

Judy S. said...

Fun tidbit of history! Who even knew? Those would definitely be warm earmuffs. Fun idea!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Fun idea! Earmuffs were a great invention.

NancyD said...

Oh how wonderful
Even before I saw the words I thought "ear muffs?" How cute and snowflakes in a white shiny flecked thread would be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

How cute those are! Very creative. I also had earmuffs as a child, and there have been times as an adult that I would have loved finding some!

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

exactly what I was thinking Nancy.

Recycled Cottage & Garden said...

These would be very warm, they are pretty thick for my journal page and the yarn is very thin, thinner than 6 strands of floss, but the fuzzy nature makes it bulk up.

jenclair said...

Ha, ha! My first thought on seeing them was "earmuffs"-- I love being right!

Suztats said...

What a clever idea! I had white, fluffy earmuffs when I was young, too. Must have been all the rage, then. Snowflakes would add to the story, I think, but thanks for the memory lane....